24 July 2009

It's Raining, It's Pouring

Remember the old saying, "When it rains, it pours?" Well, we're having a time of it...

Ronda has been in excruciating pain since last Thursday and an MRI revealed she has a ruptured lumbar disc which is causing considerable problems for her sciatic nerve. So, she will be in surgery sometime yet today...we don't know exactly what time.

Please keep her in your prayers throughout the day today. She needs relief we can't spell with R-O-L-A-I-D-S!


16 July 2009

Chemo Notes

Mom had an hour of education about her therapy this morning, then they started her on anti-histamine and anti-nausea drugs through her IV. About 30 minutes ago, they started her chemo drugs and she is doing fine so far.

Next chemo is scheduled on Thursday, August 6.

12 July 2009

Mayo Update

Mom's appointment at Mayo went pretty well on Friday.

Her pre-surgery CA125 level was in the 2600's. Her recent labs indicate the level is now in the 1500's. The ideal number is 35 or less, so she has a long way to go.

She still has quite a bit of swelling in her abdomen from the surgery, but Dr. Cliby seemed pleased with her progress. Healing takes time.

Please continue to lift Mom up in prayer this week...she starts chemo Thursday morning at 10:00 AM.

08 July 2009

Chemo Scheduled

Mom saw her local oncologist yesterday. He said she is healing up nicely. She is scheduled for her first chemo session next Thursday, July 16, from 10 AM-3 PM.

05 July 2009

Upcoming Appointments

Mom continues to improve each day. She is entirely off her pain medications and is now driving again. She has an appointment Tuesday with her local oncologist and an appointment Friday at Mayo with Dr. Cliby.

She will be starting chemo soon, so please continue to keep her in your prayers.