24 September 2011

The Best of Times

Fall is officially here and we had a great visit with family today in the Amana Colonies.

Mom's sisters Linda, Marilyn and Pat came from Illinois and Missouri, along with Uncle Tom and cousins Amanda, Samantha, Erin and Heather. Erin's husband and three children made it, too.

Sarah and Will were able to come home bringing along the latest addition to our family, Grayson. And, we got to meet Justin & Erin's baby.

Of course, getting all 8 of the Teaney kids (+ spouses and children) in the same place at the same time is no small feat and we are thankful for the blessing of being together on such a beautiful day.

Pretty sure we heard Dad and Uncle Tom howling...

02 February 2011

Remembering Carol

Can you believe Carol (Mom) has been in Heaven a whole year?

We can and we can't. Some days it seems like she just left us. Other days, we feel like she has been gone forever.

Mom was so much to so many: daughter, granddaughter, sister, cousin, wife, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, mother, aunt, mother-in-law, grandmother, teacher and friend, and yet none of these were as important to her as her relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

If we could see Mom skipping down the streets of gold, we wouldn't want her to come back and if she could choose to return, she would stay.

So, we will celebrate her life today and we will rejoice that we are a whole year closer to being with her again.

Now about this weather...