25 January 2010

God Has A Sense of Humor

Saturday, Mom was pretty groggy from her meds and she was having lots of trouble with nausea and being sick. When her dinner tray came, there was a roll and some soft fruit pieces. Mom nibbled and really struggled to keep it down.

After dinner, Kim asked if Mom had been able to read her Bible yet. Mom said she had been too tired and asked Kim to read to her. They discussed what and where, and Mom finally said, "Read anything. It's all good."

It was January 23rd, so Kim decided to start with the 23rd Psalm. Since Mom, Sarah and Kim all knew it by heart, they played ping-pong quoting the Psalm. They had a good time stumbling over each other taking turns with the words.

When they finished, Kim read Proverbs 23. The first few verses were about food and then Kim read verse 8: "The morsel which thou hast eaten thou shalt vomit up..." It was so funny considering Mom's situation...they laughed until their sides hurt.

It was prophetic, too. Though Mom tried to keep down her dinner, she ended up losing it.

Regardless, they all appreciated the laugh. God is good!

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