25 January 2010

Monday Momness

Mom is still in the hospital. She is not running a fever now and has not been sick to her stomach since 1:00 PM yesterday. She ate most of a piece of french toast and part of a banana this morning. She does still have nausea, but she is keeping her food down. She has some faint bowel sounds and we have her up walking today.

Dr. Warren is checking her CA125 to see whether it has changed. We may be able to get a clue about what is going on once we know how/if Mom has responded to the Doxil.

We have not had any word yet about Mom being discharged. Dr. Bell from Palliative Care is going to see Mom this afternoon to discuss things she can do to try to feel better.

We hope you never tire of hearing that we appreciate your prayers, love and concern for our family. We have all been so encouraged by your kindness.

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