31 December 2009

Ain'ta That Good News?!

Dr. Warren saw Mom late this afternoon. Her vitals look great, and she tolerated the ng tube being clamped without getting nauseated. So, hang onto your hat...she gets broth for dinner!

We had teased Dad that he was going to have to take Mom to the all-you-can-eat ice chip buffet tonight for their anniversary dinner.

Too bad! :)

If she tolerates clear liquids, she will graduate to liquids, then soft foods and she may get to go home over the weekend.

Considering where she was on Monday, ain'ta that good news?!

Happy Anniversary

Dad and Mom are celebrating 42 years of marriage today. We love you guys!

30 December 2009

Dr. Warren's Working Late Tonight

He just came to see Mom and we asked him about the jump in the CA125 count. He is actually not too discouraged at this point. The CA125 measures protein and chemo causes cells to die, releasing protein. He said taking this marker test seriously is premature and that a more accurate reading would be a month after her chemo treatment. It could acutally be a good sign that the count is up so much right now in that the Doxil may have killed a lot of cancer cells.

Dr. Warren also said Mom's belly feels softer now and has gone down quite a bit, so he wants to have the ng tube clamped for a while tonight. We'll see whether it makes Mom nauseated or not.

We'll keep you posted.

Daily Report

Mom found out today that her CA125 was 2541 on Monday when she came to the hospital. You may recall that it was 1360 on December 15 before she had chemo on the 18th. Her count was 2610 back in May when they first found the cancer, so this news is disappointing considering she had chemo recently.

X-rays from this morning showed no change in the ileus so they have not tried to clamp the ng tube today as they had planned.

Her vitals remain steady: BP is 120/62, O2 Sat is 95% and her temp is 37.1 C.

Mom has been up walking a few times today. She has a hard time holding her head up because the ng tube hurts, but other than that, she is tolerating the walks.

We have not seen Dr. Warren yet today, but Dr. Bell (Palliative Care) has been by to talk to Mom about a few things.

So, we are still in a holding pattern here. Things are pretty much the same today as they were yesterday.

Mom says, "Thanks for praying for her."

29 December 2009

One Day At A Time

Sorry for the late post. Mom's doctors came to see her this evening and this is the first chance your blogger has had to be on the computer...

Mom really perked up yesterday after the ng tube was put in. She was finally able to get some rest and her vitals improved steadily thoughout the day.

She is not able to eat anything but ice chips at this time. The doctors are resting her bowel in hopes that it will help resolve the kink.

Mom is still running a fever off and on...tonight it was 100.2. Lab tests revealed she has a UTI and a chest x-ray shows the possible beginnings of pneumonia in her lower left lung. She is now on antibiotics to treat both problems.

Her oxygen saturation level is staying pretty consistent at 94-97 and her blood pressure is 120/64. Both look better today than yesterday.

Tomorrow, they are going to clamp the ng tube for a while to see how she tolerates the gastric fluids. If she does okay, they will work toward getting the ng tube out and getting her on a liquid diet. If she does not tolerate having the ng tube turned off, they will give it another day and try again on Thursday.

The reason for the ileus (kink) is not confirmed at this time. It could be that her colon just got a rotation in it, but it could be that there is a tumor in the way. If it is the latter, there is still a significant chance for complications in the days ahead.

Dr. Warren is evaluating the situation each day and doing everything he can to keep Mom comfortable. We are grateful for his vigilance.

We are also grateful for you, our dear family and friends who have joined us on this journey. God has been so good to us!

28 December 2009

This Just In

Mom was admitted to the hospital (St. Luke's) this morning. The doctor ordered x-rays of her abdomen and found that she has an ileus (kink in her bowel). She is intubated and the decompression in her stomach may help work the kink out. She is so weak that surgery is not an option. If the ng tube doesn't work, she will be going to be with Jesus very soon.

Please pray with us that her suffering will be minimal. We know Jesus can take better care of her in Heaven than we can here and we are asking for His will to be done.

"My grace is sufficient for thee:" 2 Cor 12:9

27 December 2009

Slip Sliding Away

Mom was determined to make it through Christmas, but we have seen a rapid decline in her health this past week. She is not eating or drinking much, mostly because the fluid build-up in her abdomen makes her feel full already. Dad did take her to the hospital this morning where they confirmed she was dehydrated and her electrolytes are messed up, namely her sodium and potassium levels. She is also anemic and her iron count is off.

She was placed on an IV drip to get some fluids back in her and she will follow-up with Dr. Warren tomorrow. For now, they have sent her back home.

Please pray with us that the Lord's will be done.

The Best Christmas Present Ever

In the days before Christmas, Mom was feeling sad that she couldn't give us gifts this year. One night when she couldn't sleep, she thought of something she could give us, something she already had.

On Christmas, when all the other gifts had been exchanged, she brought gift bags to us with the Bibles she has used over the years. They are tattered, well read, marked up and falling apart. There wasn't a dry eye in the room as we realized the treasure we had each just been given. We listened to the song, "I Have A Goodly Heritage" and just cried for a while thanking God for all we do have.

I may not have riches as some others may
But I have a mother who knows how to pray
And maybe there's some things I've missed in my youth
But I have a father who stands for the truth

And if in the future, my parents pass on,
To dwell in that city we've come to call Home
They may not leave me the goods of this world
But I have accepted their God and His Word

I have a goodly heritage
I'm blessed with things you can't see
I have a goodly heritage
And that is worth far more to me

"...I have a goodly heritage." Psalm 16:6b

24 December 2009

Merry Christmas

From our family to yours, have a very Merry Christmas!

17 December 2009

Well, No Wonder...

...Mom hasn't been feeling well. She got her CA125 test results today and she jumped from 215 to 1360 in her month without chemo.

Yikes! Going the wrong way in a big hurry!

It's a good thing she started chemo again today. She tolerated it well and she is really hoping to feel better in time to enjoy the holidays with us.

We're hoping, too.

15 December 2009

More Chemo

Mom saw Dr. Warren in Cedar Rapids today. She is going to start chemo again and will have her first treatment this Thursday at 1:00 PM. Dr. Warren said if the Doxil is going to work, she will begin to see relief right away...in time to enjoy the upcoming holidays.

We will continue to keep you posted on her progress.


09 December 2009

More About Mom

Thank you for joining us in prayer about Mom getting an appointment with Mayo Oncology. God answered this prayer and Mom was seen this afternoon around 1:15.

Unfortunately, she is not a candidate for any of the clinical trials at Mayo right now; however, the doctor did prescribe strong pain killers and discussed the benefits of continuing chemo in Cedar Rapids. The continued chemo will not provide healing, but should help ease the pain and fluid build-up. Mom will likely pursue the additional chemo, but she is still deciding on this quality of life matter.

Mom is taking the news pretty well, but if you would like to send her a note or a card, we know she would appreciate hearing from you. Her address is:

760 Grand Ave
Marion, IA 52302

If you would rather call her, send an email to kim@reemconsulting.com and Kim will give you her number.


07 December 2009

We Need A Miracle

We were hoping for better news...

Dr. Cliby said he gave Mom the best surgery possible and the best chemo possible and that at this time, there just isn't much more he can do for her. He is sorry it didn't work out. He feels that additional chemo would be a long shot with a 1 in 8-10 chance for improvement.

The one possibility that exists is her participation in a clinical trial and she made an appointment with Oncology to find out more details. They could not get her in until December 24; however, there is a blizzard forecast this Tuesday and Wednesday, so Mom and Dad are going to stay put in Rochester and be available for several days hoping to take an appointment someone cancels due to the weather.

Please pray specifically that an appointment becomes available and that the trial would be one that Mom can participate in.

Mom is having more and more trouble with the ascites (fluid in her abdomen). Her abdomen is distended which makes her uncomfortable and diminishes her appetite.

In this season of miracles, please continue to pray with us for the miracle of Mom's healing. Of course, the greatest miracle of all is that Jesus Christ came to this earth to die on the cross for our sins, and by faith we can accept Him.

On a day like this when the news is not what we wanted to hear, we still rejoice because we know that Mom has accepted Jesus as her Saviour. While our time left together on earth may be short, we know we get to spend eternity with her.

That's priceless.