27 December 2009

Slip Sliding Away

Mom was determined to make it through Christmas, but we have seen a rapid decline in her health this past week. She is not eating or drinking much, mostly because the fluid build-up in her abdomen makes her feel full already. Dad did take her to the hospital this morning where they confirmed she was dehydrated and her electrolytes are messed up, namely her sodium and potassium levels. She is also anemic and her iron count is off.

She was placed on an IV drip to get some fluids back in her and she will follow-up with Dr. Warren tomorrow. For now, they have sent her back home.

Please pray with us that the Lord's will be done.

1 comment:

  1. you are in our prayers. Mom and dad have the family and your mom in their prayers while they are away from home. They love your family so much. Please do keep us all in formed, With love Amy Brown/Gardner
