30 December 2009

Daily Report

Mom found out today that her CA125 was 2541 on Monday when she came to the hospital. You may recall that it was 1360 on December 15 before she had chemo on the 18th. Her count was 2610 back in May when they first found the cancer, so this news is disappointing considering she had chemo recently.

X-rays from this morning showed no change in the ileus so they have not tried to clamp the ng tube today as they had planned.

Her vitals remain steady: BP is 120/62, O2 Sat is 95% and her temp is 37.1 C.

Mom has been up walking a few times today. She has a hard time holding her head up because the ng tube hurts, but other than that, she is tolerating the walks.

We have not seen Dr. Warren yet today, but Dr. Bell (Palliative Care) has been by to talk to Mom about a few things.

So, we are still in a holding pattern here. Things are pretty much the same today as they were yesterday.

Mom says, "Thanks for praying for her."

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