28 December 2009

This Just In

Mom was admitted to the hospital (St. Luke's) this morning. The doctor ordered x-rays of her abdomen and found that she has an ileus (kink in her bowel). She is intubated and the decompression in her stomach may help work the kink out. She is so weak that surgery is not an option. If the ng tube doesn't work, she will be going to be with Jesus very soon.

Please pray with us that her suffering will be minimal. We know Jesus can take better care of her in Heaven than we can here and we are asking for His will to be done.

"My grace is sufficient for thee:" 2 Cor 12:9


  1. Praying for your Mom and your family.

    Stan and Joyce Kiefer

    "The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace."
    Numbers 6:24-26

  2. Your in our prayers. She is and has always been such an amazing women! You all are her legacy and she has done an amazing job. Love and hugs of compassion are sent to you.

  3. We are keeping your mom and your family in our thoughts and prayers. We love all of you. Kevin and Sue McAdams

  4. Your are all in my thoughts and prayers. Love you and miss you. Give your mom a gentle hug for me. She is an amazing woman.
